Victory of the “Sustainable Business Award”

We are proud to inform you that Steel Project Engineering has been awarded as part of the “Sustainable Business Award”, in the ENVIRONMENT section, having distinguished itself for the ZeroC02 project undertaken in 2024. The competition, promoted by the chamber of commerce, saw the participation of various local companies, which participated in 3 different categories: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and social sustainability.
The awards ceremony took place in the chamber of commerce headquarters yesterday, 3 December, in the presence of the general secretary Pierluigi Giuntoli and the president of the CCIA of the Maremma and Tyrrhenian Sea, Riccardo Breda.
We refer you to an article which illustrates in detail the projects that received the award.
In the next few days there will be in-depth information on the event on Tele Granducato and the interviews released during the awards ceremony will be broadcast.
Below we publish some photos of the event kindly sent to us by the Chamber of Commerce.



On the occasion of the day against violence against women, Steel Project Engineering also wants to make its voice heard and shout out loud NO TO VIOLENCE!!!

We share an article from La Nazione where several events that will be held in Tuscany to support the battle against gender violence are reported CLICK HERE.

Madagascar Overpass (France)

Today we share with you one of our works carried out in France.

The project includes the executive design and the assembly project of the Madagascar overpass, a left bank access work to the Flaubert bridge included in the project for the construction of approximately 1.1 km of highway between the Stalingrado junction of the current Sud III highway.

The structure is composed of two separate decks: the east deck is 13.50 m wide and the west deck is 12.68 m wide. The total length of the structure is 116 m on 3 spans 36 m + 44 m + 36 m. The route is partly straight and partly curved. Each deck is made up of 2 metal beams of constant height and equal to 1.70 m and prefabricated concrete pre-platforms. The deck constraint system is composed of reinforced elastomer bearings. The framework of the deck was assembled on site and moved by SPMT. The macro-segment composed of the two beams and the crosspieces is positioned at height, on temporary supports, by tandem lift. Once the deck was positioned, the prefabricated slabs were installed. The deck was completed by closing the joints of the slabs by casting in place and finally the finishing works were carried out.

We had already shared a video on our Youtube account, which you can watch again HERE.

The video that we are sharing today, however, was published on the site, and shows not only the work itself, but also the technicians and operators involved in the various phases of construction of the viaduct. Enjoy!


Tramway Padova – bridge launch completed

The launching of the Bridge over the Canale Scaricatore on the new SIR-3 line of the Padua Tramway has been completed. It is an infrastructure that will cross the canal to reach the Voltabarozzo district. It is a lower-level reticular bridge intended for tramway use, also sized for road loads, with a static scheme of simple support and a span of approximately 90 m; The weight of the metalwork is approximately 820 tons including the steel pre-platforms for the construction of the deck slab.

Steel Project Engineering took care of the Executive Design of the deck structures, the checks of the deck itself during the launching phase and the Executive Design of the metal structures necessary for the launching. The manufacturer of the metalwork is MBM Spa while the General Contractor that takes care of the construction of the substructures and the entire tramway infrastructure is Consorzio Stabile Europeo.

At the links below there are some interesting videos of the launching progress phases.

We thank MBM S.p.A. for the trust granted and for the photographic material.


Rogliano bridge tender – Final award

With the final award determination, the provisional ranking of the tender “EXECUTIVE DESIGN, CSP, GEOLOGICAL STUDY AND INVESTIGATION PLAN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BRIDGE IN THE CUTURA LOCATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ROGLIANO – 2022 DESIGN FUND” was confirmed. Steel Project Engineering is the agent of the newly formed R.T.I. composed together with the principals IDRA INGEGNERIA STP S.R.L. – PASIAN ENGINEERING S.R.L. (principal) – Dr. SERGIO SOLERI (principal) and Eng. CLAUDIA ALLEVATO (principal), which was awarded the Executive Design of the work.

Good work to the entire group!


Dalmine overpass launch

The new Dalmine junction overpass on the A4 Milan-Brescia motorway was launched on the night between 2 and 3 September. This work will connect the Dalmine toll booth with the roundabout on the Bergamo ring road.

It is a 425-ton deck, 50 metres long and 20 metres wide, which was completely assembled in an area close to the motorway, lifted and transported to the final plano-altimetric position with self-propelled trolleys (SPMT) during a single night-time interruption of the A4 motorway.
Steel Project Engineering, on behalf of the manufacturer of the metalwork of the deck, BIT S.p.A., performed all the static checks of the deck during assembly, Jack-up and transport, as well as the design of the metalwork equipment needed for the lifting, lowering and transport phases.

Thanks to BIT S.p.A. for the trust placed in them and a special thanks to the entire Steel Project assembly team for the precision and accuracy of the design forecasts, excellent work!

At the link below you can view an interesting video of the assembly and other photographic material from the Autostrade per l’Italia website.



Charter for Equal Opportunities

Steel Project Engineering has joined the Charter for Equal Opportunities and Equality at Work of the Soliditas Foundation, which has already been joined by many organizations.

The charter, launched in Italy in 2009, is a declaration of intent, signed in an absolutely voluntary manner by companies of all sizes, which promotes the diffusion of a corporate culture and inclusive human resources policies, free from discrimination and prejudice and capable of enhancing talents in all their diversity.
This charter highlights the company’s commitment to enhancing Diversity & Inclusion, an aspect already taken into consideration in large part when it joined the practice for Gender Equality PdR125:2022, carried out last year.

The XXIX CTA congress


Steel Project Engineering will participate in the event, which will take place at the Fondazione Cariplo Congress Centre, again this year, presenting some of the latest design work carried out. These works include: the redevelopment of the Torri Eur complex, in the area of ​​the same name in Rome; the carrovaro for the construction of the foundation and deck of the new road bridge in the Cancun lagoon (Mexico); the new tram bridge over the discharge canal in Padua; the special lifting equipment for naval blocks, called “Tilter”, located in the Fincantieri factories in Marghera and Monfalcone; the railway and Moselle river overpass bridges in Thionville, France.
These last two projects, together with the redevelopment of the Eur Towers complex, are candidates for the Best Design Award, the “Best Project Award”, which is aimed at professionals in the engineering and architecture of steel constructions. The Best Design Award aims to reward those who contribute to the development of efficient and/or innovative design solutions in the field of steel construction, inspiring designers in the sector. The awards ceremony will take place during the C.T.A. social dinner, scheduled for the evening of 27 September 2024.

We will keep you updated on the progress of the entire event, and obviously we keep our fingers crossed for the Best Design Award!

The program of the event is attached

Let’s fight the climate crisis!

At Steel Project Engineering, we have created a high social impact forest of 50 trees in Tanzania.

The trees were donated to communities of Maasai women in Tanzania who, by planting them on their land, will generate economic security and create a natural system similar to that forest.

Tanzania has lost 25% of its forests in the last 30 years, a problem that, combined with the climate crisis and water scarcity, is causing the desertification of the land.

Planting trees is the best way to protect the soil from erosion, regulate the hydrological cycle and absorb CO2 to combat the climate crisis.

With this ZeroCO2 project at Steel Project Engineering, we want to strengthen our commitment to the environment and to people.




Eur Towers Complex: First milestone completed

With the delivery of the structures and facade cladding for buildings A and C/C1, the first important phase of work in the EUR Towers renovation site was completed within the contractual timeframe.

To celebrate this important milestone, the general contractor Carron SpA organized a fantastic evening of celebration in which all the workers, suppliers including MBM S.p.a. participated. and Focchi S.p.A. and the entire design and construction management team.

We thank Carron for the welcome invitation to this event and MBM, for which we carried out the detailed executive project of the metal carpentry structures of all the buildings, for the trust placed.

Below are some images of the completed buildings.