Gender Equality

Steel Project Engineering has completed the process of adhering to the regulation for Gender Equality PdR125:2022, and has received the certification from “Bureau Veritas”, which we proudly show you.

The “Gender Equality Certification System” is an intervention of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), published in March 2022, which incentivises companies to adopt adequate policies in order to reduce the gender gap.
This system in fact supports organizations in promoting gender equality, transforming their corporate culture and improving their strategic vision according to a virtuous process, which allows the variety of personal and professional characteristics to emerge, bringing great added value to the company .

Transparency on work processes, guarantee of growth opportunities in the company, protection of maternity (but also paternity): all these aspects, which have always been present in Steel Project, have now been incorporated into our Management system, by virtue of adhesion to the Practice PdR125:2022.


Nichupte Bridge

In Cancun, Mexico, construction work continues for the construction of the Nichupte launching beam.

The Nichupte launching beam is a special piece of equipment designed for the assembly of the new “Nichupte Bridge” viaduct, the purpose of which is to allow the construction of the foundations, the piers and the installation of the deck, composed of prefabricated concrete beams, without carrying out any construction site installations in the entire area of ​​intervention of the equipment.
To date, the beams have been assembled and lifted into the final configuration, and the crosspieces have been positioned.

Below are some shots from the construction site, thanks to DEAL for the photographic material.


On the pages of “La Repubblica”

A few days ago a page was dedicated to Steel Project Engineering in the national newspaper La Repubblica.
In the article, written following a long interview with the engineer. Costa, several key points were touched on: the experience gained in the metal carpentry sector, the introduction of BIM (not only for buildings, but also for infrastructures), attention to the environment with the application of criteria of sustainability in infrastructure and also of the objectives for the coming years. Among these objectives there is, for example, obtaining the RFI qualification, with a view to expanding the market to railway bridges. Another important objective is to consolidate foreign markets, in particular the French market, where Steel Project has already worked a lot in recent years and can boast consolidated references.
The article then illustrates the various services offered: In addition to the consultancy, design and feasibility phase, the support ranges from construction site planning to execution of the work, passing through seismic risk analysis, optimization and variations to the tender project, validation of the executive design, assistance for the preparation of the technical-economic documentation for tenders and preparation of the manufacturing drawings for metal structures, of the carpentry drawings and of the reinforcement lists for reinforced concrete structures and of the technical-economic tender documents ( CME, CSA, Chronoprogramma). High competence in assembly engineering for metal structures and prefabrication equipment for prestressed reinforced concrete structures, from the conceptual study of prefabrication equipment to assistance during the installation phases.







A… RED library!

In the month against violence against women and in a period in which feminicides are too often talked about in the news, Steel Project Engineering has undertaken a small project to raise awareness on the issues of gender equality and combating violence against women. We have in fact purchased some books dedicated to these topics and made them available to our collaborators.
Our commitment on this front has led us to undertake the certification process for compliance with the PdR125:2022 Practice for Gender Equality and we hope that awareness on these issues will spread more and more.

On our website we have set up a contact form in which it is possible to send messages in a completely anonymous form (just do not enter your name and email address, but only the subject of the message) for any report related to aspects of Gender Equality.

Our job advertisements are always aimed at men and women without distinction, indeed, we hope to be able to achieve equality in the coming years. We are always looking for graduates in civil engineering, structural branch, and also designers with knowledge of 2D drawing programs (in particular Autocad) and BIM software.

If you have the above-mentioned requirements and are interested in working in a stimulating environment, which knows how to valorise differences and which cultivates aspects linked to parenthood (3 of our collaborators have children under the age of one year, and another collaborator will become a father in 2024), we invite you to send your CV to .



Ceetrus construction site in Casamassima

The works are nearing completion at the Ceetrus construction site in Casamassima (BA): a few days ago the metal walkway over the Strada Statale 100 was laid at its definitive level.

Below are some photos relating to the lifting phases for which we thank the Director of the Works Eng. Domenico Colapietro.



IABSE AWARDS 2023 (Zurich)

Our arch bridge project over the Adige River was awarded as second best project with special mention in the “Small Road and Rail Bridges” category at the IABSE AWARDS 2023 held in Zurich.
It was a wonderful experience and a precious opportunity for exchange and discussion with top-level professionals from all over the world.
Now we return to work even more convinced that the road that has brought us here, made of passion, dedication and innovation, is the right one to grow further.
Special thanks to the entire design team for the great work they did.








Cisavola and Volpara Viaducts

This article published in Strade e Autostrade talks about the project for the assembly and launching of the Cisavola and Volpara viaducts on the existing route of the Cisa A15 motorway.

Steel Project, on behalf of BIT SpA, manufacturer of the deck and metal struts, developed the Executive Project of the lifting equipment for the Cisavola viaduct and the launching equipment of the Volpara viaduct, in addition to the checks of the two decks during the lifting and of launching.

Photos taken from the article which can be consulted at the following link:



Casamassima construction site

Work continues at the Casamassima construction site.

While waiting to begin the lifting operations of the walkway, we show you some photos of the construction site.



Inauguration of the Cern Science Gateway in Geneva

These two interesting posts give news of the inauguration of the Cern Science Gateway in Geneva, a futuristic project by Renzo Piano, in which on behalf of Cimolai SpA we developed the assembly project for the metal structures.

We thank Cimolai SpA for the opportunity granted.


Bridge over the Serchio river

Steel Project Engineering (Principal) in RTP with Engeko (Principal) was awarded the contract divided into two lots of Works Management services and Safety Coordination assignment during the Execution phase, for the implementation of the works relating to the project called “Bridge over the Serchio river for the connection between the S.S. n. 12 of Abetone and Brennero and the S.P. n. 1 Francigena in the Municipality of Lucca”; the task assigned to us in relation to lot 2 is that of Safety Coordination during the Execution phase.