Braila suspension bridge
Braila suspension bridge
Today we virtually take you to Romania to talk to you about a work that will surely be much talked about, once completed: the suspension bridge over the Danube, in Braila. It is a suspension bridge characterized by 3 spans, whose central span is 1120 m and whose overall development is 1974.30 m.
For this bridge, on behalf of Fincantieri Infrastructure S.p.A., we took care of the executive design of the assembly and transport equipment of the deck macro-segments having dimensions of approximately 30×40 m. In addition to the sizing of all the equipment necessary for the development of the assembly activities of the single macro-segment, the task entrusted to us included the structural analysis of the ashlars of the deck caisson, both in the survey phase (position on 4 supports), handling ( 4 or 8 supports) and storage. In particular for the survey phases, in addition to defining the appropriate reinforcements to the lower orthotropic slab of the segments in the provisional support areas, the deformed configurations during the stationing phase on 4 supports were evaluated for each type of macro-segment envisaged in the project (preliminary the geometric relief of the segment and the subsequent trimming of the sheets) and in the lifting phase in the final position for the evaluation of the geometric congruence of the segments before the execution of the definitive welded joints between segment and segment.
Ample space was dedicated to the suspension bridge of Braila in the paper magazine “Costruzioni Metalliche”, published in the February 2022 edition.
To find out more about this bridge, which is expected to be completed in 2022, please refer to an article published by Steel Technical College, which you can view at this link: https://www.collegiotecniciacciaio.it/2022/04/28/il-ponte-sospeso-sul-danubio-a-braila-progetto-e-stato-attualecostruzioni-metalliche-n-2-2022/