The New Railway Industrial Plant (NSIF) in Ticino

The contract for the construction of the New Railway Industrial Plant (NSIF) in Ticino has been awarded to CSC Costruzioni (WeBuild group), for an estimated total amount of works of approximately €300 million.
Steel Project Engineering has developed the technical part of the tender dossier relating to all the metal structures of the buildings and will take care of the executive project of the metal elevation structures.
Congratulations to CSC and the entire Steel Project design team, great job!
For further information on the subject of the tender, we refer you to this article shared a few days ago by the WeBuild LinkedIn profile:

“Collegio Tecnici Acciaio”: Technical Workshop

On April 23rd the Engineer Giovanni Costa will be in Rome for a speech during the technical workshop entitled “Steel and Infrastructure: Innovations, creations, sustainable works”.
Specifically, as specified in the event poster, he will illustrate some of the most recent projects, showing particular scaffolding and unconventional assembly. Many other experts in the sector will be present at the event together with him.
For further information on the event and to register for the course, here is the reference link:
If you are interested in participating, register as soon as possible, the number of places is limited to only 50 registrations!







The new bridge over the Serchio river

Our Safety Coordination activity continues during the execution phase on the Lucca construction site, as part of the works for the construction of a new bridge over the Serchio river.
The intervention will offer an important alternative to traffic, alleviating the traffic usually present in the area; The new bridge over the Serchio will be operational by the end of 2024.
A few months ago there was an inspection of the construction site by the President of the Province Luca Menesini, who confirmed the importance of the construction respecting the scheduled timescales, as well as respecting all SAFETY standards.
We will continue to update you with photos of the construction progress until the works are completed.


In the Architettura in Acciaio magazine

In the newly published issue 40 of the Architettura in Acciaio magazine you will find an interesting article on our project for the construction of the Adige Bridge and the A22 motorway overpass, with photographs of the completed work and after the demolition of the existing bridges.

Link to the magazine:







Inauguration of the Cycle-Pedestrian Bridge

In recent months we have told you several times about the progress of the works on the Casamassima construction site.
It is with great pleasure that, less than a year after the press conference to present the project, we announce that the works have been completed and that this week the inauguration of the cycle-pedestrian bridge connecting Casamassima and the commercial park took place.
Below are some photos of the event and the video of the completed walkway for which we thank the Director of Structural Works of the work Eng. Domenico Colapietro.





Online course (Fondazione Promozione Acciaio)

Online course organized by FONDAZIONE PROMOZIONE ACCIAIO (4th edition).
The Eng. Leonardo Balocchi will speak on Thursday 21 March 2024 to talk specifically about ASSEMBLY ENGINEERING:

– Calculation aspects related to assembly engineering
– Lifting from below – Aspects of calculation and verification of the deck and equipment
– Peak launch – Aspects of calculation and verification of the deck and equipment
– Special assembly engineering
– Case histories

Link for Registration and Program:


Design and Construction of Metallic Carpentry Bridges

Online course organized by FONDAZIONE PROMOZIONE ACCIAIO (4th edition).
The Eng. Giovanni Costa, scientific coordinator of the course, will speak on Thursday 14 March 2024 to introduce the topics of the entire course and to talk specifically about GIRDER BRIDGES:

– Introduction to basic structural principles
– Technical solutions for steel girder bridges
– Construction elements of girder bridges
– Design, analysis and verification of the metal carpentry structure, in-depth analysis of the construction solution
– General notes on supports, piles, abutments and foundations
– Materials and surface protection
– Measures indicated by the designer for implementation
– Implementation examples

Link for Registration and Program:


Best wishes to all women!!!

On the occasion of International Women’s Rights Day, Steel Project Engineering sends a special wish to all WOMEN.



Internationalization journey

Our internationalization journey continues: Steel Project Engineering was found eligible for the assignment of the funding granted as part of the Simest tender for the internalization and digital and ecological transition of companies.

During the year 2024 we will update you on the expansion projects under development thanks to the financing granted by SIMEST and relating to:
– Computerization of work procedures in the field of structural calculation and graphic design development
– implementation of tools based on the use of Artificial Intelligence
– Computerization of order management and implementation processes with existing procedures and quality standards.




EUR towers complex: Work in progress

EUR towers complex: The works are progressing quickly. At present, all the metal carpentry and structures of Buildings A, C, D, G3 and G4 have been assembled; the installation of the internal and external facades for these buildings remains to be completed, as well as the arrangement of the final details for the insertion of the first finishes.

Building C1 has reached the last phase of assembly of the metal structures, where only the galvanized metal carpentry of the top floor to support the photovoltaic system and the top facades to close the building remain to be positioned.

Construction sites are starting to assemble the structures of the G5 building and the last existing 17-storey building, Building B.