New cycle/pedestrian infrastructure (Casamassima)

A few months ago the press conference was held for the laying of the foundation stone and the start of work on the new cycle/pedestrian infrastructure in the municipality of Casamassima. Steel Project Engineering has developed the Final and Executive Design of the metal deck and reinforced concrete abutments.



Awarding of new contract

Steel Project Engineering in RTP with Eng. Emanuele Pacini, Dr. Alessandro Nenci and the Arch. Tommaso Del Rio was awarded the contract for the Final and Executive Design and Safety Coordination in the Design Phase for the extraordinary maintenance and conservative rehabilitation works of the bridges of the Avigliano Umbro and Terni Road – Bridge at km 3 +492 of the Sp 16 of Stroncone and at km 28+846 of the Sp 113 Tiberina.




The functional renovation works of the EUR Towers Complex in Rome are proceeding. They consist of a set of buildings of considerable architectural and urban planning importance built by the architect Ligini at the end of the 1950’s.

Steel Project Engineering, as part of the overall restoration and re-functionalization intervention, took care of the structural part by developing the Executive Project for all the portions of buildings affected by metal carpentry elements.
The photographs from the construction site show the progress of the works, which starting from the month of May are involving the interventions on the existing Buildings A and C, as well as the assembly of the newly built connective buildings G3 and G4.

IABSE Award 2023

Our project “Ponte sull’Adige” has been selected among the finalists for the “IABSE Award 2023” ( in the “Small Road and Rail Bridges” category.

There are a total of 5 finalist projects in the aforementioned category: in addition to ours, there are 4 bridges, built respectively in India, China, Canada and Sweden. ( Click here to see all the shortlisted projects in the various categories ).

We just have to wait for the final award ceremony, which will be held in Zurich on November 8th!


“Costruzioni metalliche” 02/2023: “Acciaierie d’Italia” factory in Taranto

OMO Park

Coverage of the OMO of Taranto was also included in issue 02/2023 of the magazine Costruzioni in Acciaio.

The safe confinement steel structure for the OMO (raw materials) park in Taranto has plan dimensions of 110 x 385m and is made up of 63 trussed arches, spaced by 6.20 m and with a maximum height of approximately 42m

On our YouTube channel there is an interesting Timelapse that shows the assembly phases in detail.

We refer to the magazine and to the Collegio Tecnici Acciaio website for further details.


G.E.R.Dam Project (Ethiopia)

The main hydroelectric plant in Africa

Our sheds for the Power House and Erection Bay for the new electrical system of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance DAM ( G.E.R.DAM ) built in Ethiopia are illustrated in the Costruzioni Metalliche magazine 2/2023.
An enormous plant which, with an annual electricity production capacity of almost 16,000 gigawatts, will be the largest hydroelectric plant in Africa.

The sheds covering the Power Units of the new hydroelectric plant on the Blue Nile consist of two types of statically independent metal structures: two Erection Bay blocks and eight Power Houses on the right bank while on the left bank there are five Power Units and a single Erection Bay block. Each structural unit covers an area of approximately 4400 square meters, with a total longitudinal length of 52-60 m and a width of approximately 27 m.

For further details, see the Costruzioni Metalliche magazine.

Click HERE for the reference article on the website .



Thionville – France

Last weekend the launch phases of the fourth project sequence were held in Thionville (France).
On this project we have developed on behalf of BIT S.p.A. the Detailed Design of the metal decks and the Detailed Design of the lifting and launching equipment.
The work of art, intended to implement the ring road intended for public transport towards the Thionville railway station, consists of two statically independent metal decks which develop from the C1 abutment to the P2 pier (curved section on the railway station side, assembled with lifting from below, spans….) and from pier P2 to abutment C7 (straight section on the side opposite the railway station, assembled with point launch from abutment C7, spans….).
Both decks are made with four core metal caissons


The transport of the toroidal magnets

The featured photo in this post depicts one of the toroidal magnets that will ensure the confinement of the nuclear plasma inside the Tokamak reactor, the first nuclear fusion experiment within the international project called ITER.

A few years ago, precisely in 2017, we designed the transport structure for the magnets produced in Italy by ASG Superconductor on behalf of OMBA Engineering e Impianti; the magnets, once completed and tested inside the La Spezia plant, had to be transported by road to the port, to then be lifted and transported by ship to Marghera for the subsequent transformation operations before being installed in the heart of the Tokamak reactor in the plant ITER of Cadarache (France). For the multimodal transport of 10 toroidal magnets, Steel Project has designed a special metal support structure, which can be completely disassembled and reused, which could guarantee the high stiffness against deformation required by the transport specifications to guarantee the integrity of the superconducting properties of the toroidal coil.
The project went ahead and the progress has been shown in these days on the LinkedIn channel of “ITER Organization”, with several photos and a video which can be referred to here:

Further information on the structure built for transport can be found here

“Parchi Materie Prime”

Our works at CTA 2022

After the presentation at the CTA 2022, we illustrate our work regarding the “Acciaierie di Taranto” plant in which, on behalf of Fincantieri Infrastructure, we took care of the assembly project of the “Parchi Materie Prime” roof.

Due to the timing of implementation and the complexity of the assembly methodologies, this assignment represented a great challenge for our work team.

The safe confinement steel structure for the OMO (raw materials) park located inside the “Acciaierie d’Italia” factory in Taranto has plan dimensions of 110 x 385m and is made up of 63 trussed arches, spaced by 6.20 m and with a maximum height of approximately 42m. Because of the erection phases, the structure was divided into 9 macro-modules, each consisting of 7 arches. Once the central segments of each macro-module are assembled, they are raised by means of 4 strand jacks connected to a horizontal truss beam which can slide between vertical guides placed on the lifting towers. Once the assembly of a single macro-module was completed, it was placed on trolleys and then pushed towards its final position by means of a couple of strand jacks.

This project, together with our other works that we will show you in the coming weeks, was selected to participate in the best design award at CTA 2022, which took place from 29 September to 1st October in Francavilla al Mare (Chieti).

Some videos relating to the assembly can be viewed on ours YouTube channel, at this link: (video – by kind permission of Fincantieri Infrastrutcure + Time Lapse by kind permission of SEMAT S.p.a.)

Below is the poster with which we participated in the Best Design Award competition at the CTA, and some photos showing the various stages of assembly.


Today we want to show you another of our works presented on the occasion of the CTA 2022: we will illustrate the assembly project for the reconstruction of a bridge in Tuscany, precisely in Albiano Magra.

The bridge over the river Magra at Km 10 + 422, needed to be rebuilt after the collapse of the existing bridge. It is made with a girder deck in a mixed steel-concrete system and with a static scheme of continuous beam on 4 spans 57.00 + 2 x 90.00 + 54.00 m, for a total length of 291 m.

The metal structure was divided into four macro-segments, entirely assembled at the construction site on the river bank by welding the elementary segments. Each of them was then hoisted up on provisional support and transported to their final location by SPTM, after being positioned at height on provisional supports that were also transported. The assembly project consisted in checking the girders in each phase and in studying of the various proceedings needed to align the four segments before execution of welded joints.

Also this project, like the one illustrated in the previous news, competed for the Best Design Award at the CTA 2022, which took place from 29 September to 1 October in Francavilla al Mare (Chieti).
Below we report the poster with which we participated in the aforementioned competition, and some images of the work in various stages of assembly.