G.E.R.Dam Project (Ethiopia)
The main hydroelectric plant in Africa
Our sheds for the Power House and Erection Bay for the new electrical system of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance DAM ( G.E.R.DAM ) built in Ethiopia are illustrated in the Costruzioni Metalliche magazine 2/2023.
An enormous plant which, with an annual electricity production capacity of almost 16,000 gigawatts, will be the largest hydroelectric plant in Africa.
The sheds covering the Power Units of the new hydroelectric plant on the Blue Nile consist of two types of statically independent metal structures: two Erection Bay blocks and eight Power Houses on the right bank while on the left bank there are five Power Units and a single Erection Bay block. Each structural unit covers an area of approximately 4400 square meters, with a total longitudinal length of 52-60 m and a width of approximately 27 m.
For further details, see the Costruzioni Metalliche magazine.
Click HERE for the reference article on the website www.collogiotecniciacciaio.it .