On the pages of “La Repubblica”

A few days ago a page was dedicated to Steel Project Engineering in the national newspaper La Repubblica.
In the article, written following a long interview with the engineer. Costa, several key points were touched on: the experience gained in the metal carpentry sector, the introduction of BIM (not only for buildings, but also for infrastructures), attention to the environment with the application of criteria of sustainability in infrastructure and also of the objectives for the coming years. Among these objectives there is, for example, obtaining the RFI qualification, with a view to expanding the market to railway bridges. Another important objective is to consolidate foreign markets, in particular the French market, where Steel Project has already worked a lot in recent years and can boast consolidated references.
The article then illustrates the various services offered: In addition to the consultancy, design and feasibility phase, the support ranges from construction site planning to execution of the work, passing through seismic risk analysis, optimization and variations to the tender project, validation of the executive design, assistance for the preparation of the technical-economic documentation for tenders and preparation of the manufacturing drawings for metal structures, of the carpentry drawings and of the reinforcement lists for reinforced concrete structures and of the technical-economic tender documents ( CME, CSA, Chronoprogramma). High competence in assembly engineering for metal structures and prefabrication equipment for prestressed reinforced concrete structures, from the conceptual study of prefabrication equipment to assistance during the installation phases.







IABSE AWARDS 2023 (Zurich)

Our arch bridge project over the Adige River was awarded as second best project with special mention in the “Small Road and Rail Bridges” category at the IABSE AWARDS 2023 held in Zurich.
It was a wonderful experience and a precious opportunity for exchange and discussion with top-level professionals from all over the world.
Now we return to work even more convinced that the road that has brought us here, made of passion, dedication and innovation, is the right one to grow further.
Special thanks to the entire design team for the great work they did.








Science Gateway

Un ambizioso progetto al Cern di Ginevra

Ecco uno dei nostri ultimi lavori, che riguarda il CERN di Ginevra: lo “Science Gateway”, una struttura dedicata completamente all’istruzione e alla divulgazione della scienza.
L’architettura di Science Gateway, progettato dallo studio di progettazione Renzo Piano Building Workshop, si ispira alle installazioni tecniche e ai tunnel sotterranei del CERN.

La Steel Project Engineering si è occupata nello specifico dello studio delle fasi esecutive di montaggio dei 3 padiglioni, delle 2 strutture tubolari in carpenteria metallica e del bridge di collegamento. Inoltre è stato curato l’aspetto della cantierizzazione, con relativa organizzazione delle aree di cantiere.

Il progetto si colloca all’interno dell’area del Centro Europeo di Ricerca Nucleare e prevede l’impiego di circa 1600t di carpenteria metallica.
La passerella sopraelevata, che si erige ad oltre 6m dal suolo, oltre a permettere l’attraversamento della linea tramviaria, garantisce il collegamento tra i vari padiglioni. Proprio in questi padiglioni si ospiteranno mostre e laboratori pratici, negozi, ristoranti, ed anche un auditorium.

Pochi mesi fa, l’ architetto Renzo Piano è stato in visita al CERN Science Gateway, come testimonia un post sul profilo Linkedin di Cimolai Group ( clicca QUI per leggere il post).

Grazie a più di 2000 metri quadrati di pannelli solari e al bosco di 400 alberi che lo circonderà, Science Gateway sarà a emissioni zero per l’ambiente. Siamo fieri di aver contribuito a questo progetto ambizioso!

Cliccando QUI e scorrendo a fondo pagina potrete vedere un interessante TIMELAPSE del cantiere.


Immagine presa da https://cernandsocietyfoundation.cern/news/gateway-cern-cern-science-gateway


Immagine presa da https://home.cern/news/news/cern/cerns-science-gateway-takes-tubular-shape


Immagine presa da https://it.linkedin.com/in/mattia-scalabrin-3ab29a151


Immagine presa da https://www.media.stellantis.com/it-it/corporate-communications/press/il-cern-posa-la-prima-pietra-del-science-gateway


Immagine presa da https://twitter.com/cern/status/1496533323832778753?lang=de