On the pages of “La Repubblica”
A few days ago a page was dedicated to Steel Project Engineering in the national newspaper La Repubblica.
In the article, written following a long interview with the engineer. Costa, several key points were touched on: the experience gained in the metal carpentry sector, the introduction of BIM (not only for buildings, but also for infrastructures), attention to the environment with the application of criteria of sustainability in infrastructure and also of the objectives for the coming years. Among these objectives there is, for example, obtaining the RFI qualification, with a view to expanding the market to railway bridges. Another important objective is to consolidate foreign markets, in particular the French market, where Steel Project has already worked a lot in recent years and can boast consolidated references.
The article then illustrates the various services offered: In addition to the consultancy, design and feasibility phase, the support ranges from construction site planning to execution of the work, passing through seismic risk analysis, optimization and variations to the tender project, validation of the executive design, assistance for the preparation of the technical-economic documentation for tenders and preparation of the manufacturing drawings for metal structures, of the carpentry drawings and of the reinforcement lists for reinforced concrete structures and of the technical-economic tender documents ( CME, CSA, Chronoprogramma). High competence in assembly engineering for metal structures and prefabrication equipment for prestressed reinforced concrete structures, from the conceptual study of prefabrication equipment to assistance during the installation phases.
Below is the link to the article in the digital version https://firenze.repubblica.it/dossier-adv/eccellenze-toscane/2023/11/22/news/steel_project_engineering_ecco_come_nasce_la_progettazione_strutturale-420810469/